
Bash touch fileTouch

BatchTouch is a simple tool that lets you modify the attributes (specification creation and moficiation) of a large number of files. You can use it, for example, to change the creation or modification dates of a large bunch of files, and you can even change the time of modification. Drivers bewan. BatchTouch provides an easy-to-use way to change the creation and/or modification date of multiple files and folders all at once. It offers enough flexibility to the user to choose which type of. Ncidliovimehldun83’s diary. Download World Clock Time Zones for Windows for win free from proxy. BatchTouch 1.3.1 Build 87. Change the date and timestamp on your files and folders with the possibility to process multiple f. Oct 7th 2019, 08:43 GMT.

Program Information
Freeware (Free)
2.26 MB
Windows (All Versions)
Roger Meier(more)
BatchTouch – Batch Change Time Attributes
Manually changing the date when a file/folder was created/modified is not a very efficient means to go about it. If you want to be efficient, if you want to perform such a task as fast as possible, then you need a specialized tool to help you out – Roger Meier’s BatchTouch is a handy, user friendly, and properly good tool that will batch change the time attributes of the files or folders you choose.
BatchTouch does not have to be installed, making it a portable application. All you have to do to get started with this tool is download an archive, extract its contents, and run the BatchTouch executable. It must be mentioned here that BatchTouch is available for Apple's Mac and for Microsoft Windows operating systems.
On the left hand side of the interface there’s a panel that lists the folders/files you dragged and dropped onto the application. To the right there’s a panel that lists all the changes you could apply to the files you loaded. And at the top, in the upper left hand corner, there’s a traditional File Menu.
Using BatchTouch is a fairly simple 3-step process:
Step 1 – drag and drop files and folders onto the BatchTouch interface.
Step 2 – select the filters you want to use, pick what date you want to be changed and how you want them to be changed.
Step 3 – click the Go button from the lower right hand side. Moments later BatchTouch will be done.
As previously mentioned, BatchTouch is a free application. Consider making a donation if you enjoy using this Roger Meier-developed tool.
BatchTouch makes it very easy to batch change the date when files and folders were created or changed.
BatchTouch does not have to be installed. The application is available for Windows and Mac. You will not have to go through a steep learning curve to get accustomed to the interface. BatchTouch quickly processes the files you select, based on the settings you specify. BatchTouch is a free application (donations are welcome).
None that I could think of.
You can download BatchTouch free here.
About the author: George Norman
George is a news editor.
You can follow him on Google+, Facebook or Twitter

BatchTouch has been reviewed by George Norman on 10 Apr 2013. Based on the user interface, features and complexity, Findmysoft has rated BatchTouch 5 out of 5 stars, naming it Essential
New/changed features:
  • Added menu items and buttons to add files and folders to the file list.
  • Added error logging.
  • Added special function for sequential modification dates.
  • Added proxy settings to preferences (for update checks).
  • Added check for development updates.
  • BatchTouch will now save default settings to the application data directory, regardless of where BatchTouch is installed. These locations are as follows Mac: /Users/UserName/Library/Application/BatchTouch/ Win: UsersUserNameAppDataRoamingBatchTouch However, a default.bts file placed in the same location as the BatchTouch executable will take precedence over the one in the application data location.
  • Default is now 64-bit for all platforms
  • [Mac] Disabled splash window for macOS Sierra and newer
Bash touch
  • Enabled column sorting for file list.
  • Added code to clear the read-only flag before changing file dates. If the read-flag of a file was set prior to changing the dates, it will be set again.
  • Added support for HiDPI displays
  • Added support for dark mode on platforms that support it (e.g. macOS Mojave).
Bug fixes and stability imrpovements:

Bash Touch Create Directories

  • Fixed bug that would incorrectly set the sign of the time offset when the value in saved settings is 0.
  • Various bug fixes as well as stability and performance improvements under the hood.