Homebrew Rvm

I can run ruby -v , but cannot run bin/rails generate scaffold......


The Missing Package Manager for macOS (or Linux). It’s all Git and Ruby underneath, so hack away with the knowledge that you can easily revert your modifications and merge upstream updates. Install Ruby Version Manager (RVM) on Mac. Published: 2019-10-19. Last updated: 2021-03-04 Install Homebrew.

You probably want to look in /usr/bin/ to find stuff. Assuming RVM was installed properly, you should be check it quickly by running rvm list to see which Rubies RVM is managing. If you need to use a different version install it like this:

rvm install ruby-X.X.X

rvm --default use ruby-X.X.X

You probably already had a random Ruby installed just by having OSX but probably not rails. Since rails is just a gem you can add it with

gem search '^rails$' --all # to find rails versions available to you.

Homebrew Roms Nes

gem install rails -v rails_version # replace rails_version with the specific version you want, i.e. 5.1.4

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I love Homebrew, but sometimes it really gets me down, you know?Especially when I have to deal with launchctl.

launchctl loads and unloads services that start at login. In OS X, theseservices are represented by files ending with .plist (which stands for“property list”). These plists are usually stored in either~/Library/LaunchAgents or /Library/LaunchAgents. You load them (i.e. tellthem to start at login) with launchctl load $PATH_TO_LIST and unload them withlaunchctl unload $PATH_TO_LIST. Loading a plist tells the program itrepresents (e.g. redis) to start at login, while unloading it tells theprogram not to start at login.

This post-install message from Homebrew may look familiar:

Doing all that takes too long, and I can never remember where Homebrew plistsare. Fortunately, Homebrew includes a lovely interface for managing this withoutusing ln, launchctl or knowing where plists are.

brew services

First, install brew services by tapping homebrew/services (one time):

Here’s an example usage:


Behind the scenes, brew services start is doing everything in the post-installmessage above. First it runs ln -sfv ... for you. Then it runs launchctl load~/Library/LaunchAgents/homebrew.mxcl.mysql.plist. It Just Works.

Homebrew roms nes

Let’s say MySQL’s acting funky. We can easily restart it:

Now let’s see everything we’ve loaded:

Note that the list of services includes services you started with launchctlload, not just services you loaded with brew services.

Let’s say we uninstalled MySQL and Homebrew didn’t remove the plist for somereason (it usually removes it for you). There’s a command for you:

Homebrew Rvm Install


Home Brew Rum Kit

Hidden Homebrew commands

Homebrew ships with a whole bunch of commands that don’t show up in brew--help. You can see a list of them in the Homebrew git repo. Each fileis named like brew-COMMAND, and you run them with brew command. I recommendbrew beer.

What’s next

If you liked this, I recommend reading through Homebrew’s Tips andTricks. You can also try out another Homebrew extension forinstalling Mac apps: homebrew-cask.