Firefox Developer Edition Ubuntu

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  1. Install Firefox Developer Edition Ubuntu
  2. Firefox Developer Tools Ubuntu
  3. Sql Developer Ubuntu
  4. Install Firefox Developer Ubuntu
  5. Firefox Developer Edition Ubuntu Ppa
  6. Update Firefox Ubuntu

Ubuntu Make is a command line tool which allows you to download the latest version of popular developer tools on your installation, installing it alongside all of the required dependencies (which will only ask for root access if you don't have all the required dependencies installed already), enable multi-arch on your system if you are on a 64 bit machine, integrate it with the Unity launcher. Basically, one command to get your system ready to develop with!

Our philosophy

First, let's define the core principles around the Ubuntu Make and what we are trying to achieve with this:

  • Make Folder firefox-developer inside /opt to save extracted files. Using command line. Sudo mkdir /opt/firefox-developer. Extract the tar file and add firefox folder to /opt/firefox-developer/ a. Using command line. Cd /opt/firefox-developer. Tar xvjf pathoftarfile. Using archieve manager. Change permission for /opt.
  • Ubuntu Make will always download, test and support the latest available upstream developer stack. No version is stuck in stone for 5 years. We get the latest and the best release that upstream delivers to all of us.
  1. Ubuntu Make will always download, test and support the latest available upstream developer stack. No version is stuck in stone for 5 years. We get the latest and the best release that upstream delivers to all of us. We are conscious that being able to develop on a freshly updated environment is one of the core values of the developer audience and that's why we want to deliver that experience with Ubuntu Make.
  2. We know that developers want stability overall and not have to upgrade or spend time maintaining their machine every 6 months. We agree they shouldn't have to and the platform should 'get out of my way, I've got work to do.' That's the reason why we focus heavily on the latest LTS release of Ubuntu. All tools will always be backported and supported on the latest Long Term Support release. Tests are running multiple times a day on this platform. In addition to this, we support, of course, the latest available Ubuntu Release for developers who likes to live on the edge!
  3. We want to ensure that the supported developer environment is always functional by always downloading the latest version from upstream. The software stack can change its requirements, requiring newer or extra libraries and thus cause breakage. That's why we are running an entire suite of functional tests multiple times a day, on both versions that you can find in distro and on the latest trunk. That way we know if:
    1. We broke ourselves in trunk and needs to fix it before releasing.
    2. The platform broke one of the developer stack and we can promptly fix it.
    3. A third-party application or a website changed and broke the integration. We can then fix this really early on.

All of those tests running will ensure the best experience we can deliver, while always fetching the latest release version from upstream. All of this on a very stable platform!

Supported platforms

The list of supported platforms is always evolving. We divided Ubuntu Make in categories so that it's easier for developers to navigate and install what they require. We invite you to look at existing current support using the --list option or shell completion. This list goes from Android (java and native) development, to games, frontend web (javascript and dart), backend (go and dart), and various ide (python, C++ java…). This list might not be up to date, so check the github page for the new contributions!

How to use it

Example: how to install Ubuntu Make and then, Android Studio.

Installing Ubuntu Make

You can install the snap package (not working at the moment on 17.10)

If you run the snap you have to run ubuntu-make.umake

If you're running 17.10 or want to run the 'traditional' package, you can install from the Ubuntu Make PPA. First, add the PPA to your system:

Then, installing Ubuntu Make:

Example: How to install android-studio

And then, accept the installation path and Google license. It will download, install all requirements alongside Android Studio and latest android SDK itself, then configure and fit it into the system like by adding an Unity launcher icon…

And that's it! Happy Android application hacking on Ubuntu. You will find the familiar experience with the android emulator and sdk manager + auto-updater to always be on the latest.

How to contribute

Reports bugs and propose enhancements

The more direct way of reporting a bug or giving any suggestions is through the upstream bug tracker.

The tool is really to help developers, so do not hesitate to help us directing the Ubuntu Developer Tools Center on the way which is the best for you.

Help translating

We already had some good translations contributions through launchpad! Thanks to all our translators, we got Basque, Chinese (Hong Kong), Chinese (Simplified), French, Italian and Spanish! There are only few strings up for translations in Ubuntu Make and it should take less than half an hour in total to add a new one. It's a very good and useful way to contribute for people speaking other languages than English! We do look at them and merge them in the mainline automatically. Contribute on the code itself

Some people started to offer code contribution and that's a very good and motivating news. Do not hesitate to fork us on the upstream github repo. We'll ensure we keep up to date on all code contributions and pull requests. If you have any questions or for better coordination, open a bug to start the discussion around your awesome idea. We'll try to be around and guide you on how to add any framework support! You will not be alone!

Write some documentation

We have some basic documentation (this wiki page!). If you feel there are any gaps or any missing news, feel free to edit the wiki page! You can as well merge some of the documentation of the file or propose some enhancements to it!

To give an easy starts to any developers who wants to hack on Ubuntu Make itself, we try to keep the file readable and up to the current code content. However, this one can deviate a little bit, if you think that any part missing/explanation requires, you can propose any modifications to it to help future hackers having an easier start.

Spread the word!

Finally, spreading the word that Ubuntu Loves Developers and we mean it! Talk about it on social network, tagging with #ubuntulovesdevs or in blog posts, or just chatting to your local community! We deeply care about our developer audience on the Ubuntu Desktop and Server and we want this to be known!

ubuntu-make (last edited 2017-12-21 12:05:21 by lyzardking)

  • 7Filing Bugs
  • 8Platform specific instructions
    • 8.1Windows
    • 8.2MacOS
    • 8.3Linux
  • 9Promoting Nightly in your community
    • 9.1Regional Teams and their Nightly Champions

What is Firefox Nightly?

Every day, Mozilla developers write code that is merged into a common code repository (mozilla-central) and every day that code is compiled so as to create a pre-release version of Firefox based on this code for testing purposes, this is what we call a Nightly build. Once this code matures, it is merged into stabilization repositories (Beta and Dev Edition) where that code will be polished until we reach a level of quality that allows us to ship a new final version of Firefox to hundreds of millions of people. This development process used to ship a new version of Firefox every 4 weeks is called the Train Model.

Firefox channels after April 18, 2017
74 73 72 71
Nightly Beta Release
Nightly Beta Release

Should I become a Nightly user?

Install Firefox Developer Edition Ubuntu

Of course, Nightly does not have the polish, quality and stability of the Release channel as this is a work in progress but we are doing our best through automation, QA and community to provide you the best nightly builds possible.

If you are a power-user, that you want to have access to features in developments months before they become mainstream, have tolerance for occasional functional regressions and are looking for an easy way to help Mozilla and Firefox development, you should use Nightly (ideally as your main browser but you can also use it alongside Firefox on the release channel or another browser).

Unlike Firefox on the Release channel, Nightly sends by default anonymized usage statistics, called Telemetry which helps us improve Firefox and track regressions on a daily basis. Just using Nightly and sending telemetry data is already of great help to all Mozilla developers as it allows them to get usage statistics on the features they work on.

Of course, Nightly may be more likely to crash than a final release and sending your crashes to our engineers is also of considerable help as it helps us catch instabilities and identify issues long before end-users are exposed to them.

And if you want to go a step further, you can file bugs in our Bug tracker with detailed information about what is not working for you in Nightly.

Where can I download Firefox Nightly?

➡ Go to

Nightly is available for all the platforms we support officially (Windows 7 and later, MacOS, Linux) and we provide both 32 and 64 bits for Linux and Windows. We also support a large range of languages ranging from Albanian to Vietnamese.

All of our available builds are listed on this page:

How does it update? Update interval?

Nightly gets an update twice a day (or night, depending on your timezone), building starts at 10:00 and 22:00 UTC, usually builds are available one hour or two later. That means that there is an update in the morning for The Americas and another one for EMEA/Asia

The update is downloaded in the background, when this is done, there is a small green badge that appears on the hamburger menu which indicates that if you restart your Nightly, an update will be applied.

If you don't apply this update within 12 hours, a dialog box will pop up asking you to do so. If you want this dialog to show up later than 12h, in about:config change the app.update.promptWaitTime value from 43200 to a higher value, 86400 for 24 hours for example.

Sometimes, we will issue more than two updates per day, typically this is because we found out we introduced a major regression (a spike in crashes for example) and we don't want our users to have a broken browser for 24h.

Where can I get news about Nightly?

We maintain a few communication channels to give you news about the development of Nightly features or activities relevant to our community of Nightly users:

  • Twitter:
  • Blog:
  • Matrix channel: #nightly on
  • Experimental platform features page on MDN:
  • Release notes (updated every week):
  • Nightly category in our Mozilla Community Forums:

Nightly Activities

This activity has great potential to make an impact by increasing overall involvement in Nightly, simply by introducing community to tasks that they can engage in related to Nightly. Finding and filing issues early in the cycle means by the time Firefox gets to release, the code is in good shape.

  • Mozilla Activate:

Filing Bugs

I found a bug, how do I report it?

First of all, thank you for doing that! Bugs reported early are also more easy to fix or back out than bugs reported weeks or months after the code was written, simply because developers just wrote it and have all of it fresh in their memory.

If you think you have found a bug in Nightly, the best thing to do is indeed to report it in our Bug tracking system, called Bugzilla.

Bugzilla can be a bit intimidating when you use it for the first time, but we have documentation to help you make useful bug reports here that may get you started:Bugzilla: Bug writing guidelines

Don't hesitate to ask experienced Nightly users (staff or employees) to help you file the bug in the #nightly channel on Matrix if you are unsure about the process or if English is not your native language and want to make sure your bug description is understandable.

Once you have filed the bug, you may get questions from bug triagers (people that enrich existing bug reports with useful metadata and try to get the right dev in front of the right issue) or developers that are trying to reproduce your bug using your configuration or the steps to reproduce what you experienced - watch your mailbox for such messages!

One more thing, please add the nightly-community word in the keyword field of your bug report, that helps us triage better the bugs filed by our core community.


The bug I found is a regression!

Firefox Developer Edition Ubuntu

A regression is when something that used to work is no longer working or no longer working as expected.If your bug is a regression, please add the regression keyword to your bug report.

We have a specific tool helping us to find when the code that introduced a regression landed in Nightly, this is called mozegression.

There is a GUI for Windows and a command line interface for Linux/Mac.

  • Article about the CLI version: Found a regression in Firefox? Give us details with mozregression!
  • Article with a video tutorial about the Windows version: Using mozregression on Windows

I found a bug in the 2021 redesign of Firefox!

On April 7 2021, we activated our new interface in Nightly (internally called Proton).

Our last major update to the Firefox interface was the Photon UI with Firefox 57 in 2017.

This is also of course a work in progress, there are dozens of patches every day that our front-end team lands on Nightly to implement the new design or fix bugs in the new design.

To help catching bugs and regressions before we ship the new UI to the release channel, we launched a public dogfooding campaign, this campaign is called FoxFooding.

You can read more about this campaign and join the QA activities proposed here: Foxfooding.

If as a nightly user you are already comfortable reporting bugs in Bugzilla, please continue to do so and just add the [proton-foxfooding] text in the whiteboard field of your bug report in addition to the usual nightly-community tag in the keywords field.

If you are unsure of the component you should file the bug in, just file it in the Firefox::Foxfooding component (you can click or bookmark this link to file a bug) and our QA team will triage it to the right destination. Bug reports are very welcome!

I want to report a website that doesn't work in Firefox

Some websites do not work in Firefox not because of a Firefox bug but because the site is restricting (intentionally or not) their audience to users of a specific browser. This is what we call a Web Compatibility issue. Since these issues can also affect other browsers than Firefox, web compatibility reports are filed in a separate bug tracker at is a special menu item in Firefox Nightly to easily report the site you are visiting as being incompatible with Firefox. Click on the 'Report Site Issue' link in the Page Actions menu (... in the right side of the url bar):

Report Site Icon

What is the Nightly Tester Tools extension?

This is a useful extension which adds many tools dedicated to bug filing and regression finding.

You can find it on Nightly Tester Tools

The Github repository has a short description of what it can do.

I found a bug and I want to write the patch myself!

Firefox Developer Tools Ubuntu

This is a great way to get involved, our developers have full documentation on how to get started hacking on Mozilla code on MDN:

Platform specific instructions

Firefox does not support downgrades, even though this may have worked in past versions. If you install Firefox Nightly and later downgrade to an earlier version, you may experience issues with Firefox if they share the same profile of data.

Until we support dedicated profiles per channel in the installer Bug 1373244, so as to use Firefox Nightly alongside another version of Firefox such as Beta, Release or ESR you need to create and use a separate profile for Nightly!

Our end-user support site has explanations on the process: Using a dedicated profile for Firefox Nightly

You will find below additional OS specific instructions as well as a video tutorial for Windows.


Sql Developer Ubuntu

How do I install Firefox Nightly alongside Firefox Release?

Here is a video tutorial explaining how to install Firefox Nightly on Windows alongside an existing installation of Firefox:Install Firefox Nightly cleanly on Windows


How do I install Firefox Nightly alongside Firefox Release?

Download Firefox Nightly.As for any Mac OS app, open it either from Firefox or by double-clicking it in the folder, then drag and drop the icon into the application folder and you're done for the installation part. For detailed instructions, see here.

Now you'll need to create a dedicated profile for your Nightly, different from your Firefox stable one to avoid trouble.

To do that, you need to open your terminal and run Nightly, only for the first time by running the following command:

This will open the profile manager. Here, create a new profile with the name you want, and uncheck the checkbox saying 'Use the selected profile without asking at startup', so that at every Firefox start you can choose the profile you want and corresponding to either your Nightly or Stable Firefox.


Why is Nightly provided as a tar.bz2 archive? Do I have to compile it?

We build and provide distribution-neutral binaries and these binaries can be installed and updated without any dependency to a package manager.

You don't have to compile anything, just unarchive the tar.bz2 file into your /home or your /opt folder if you want to make it available to all the accounts on your machine and launch the firefox file from your shell. If you decide to install Firefox Nightly outside of your Home, such as in /opt/firefoxnightly, don't forget to give this folder the same rights as your user otherwise it won't auto-update:

If you want to create a Launcher for your app, you will need to create a .desktop file, here is on our blog an article about it for Ubuntu and Unity: Getting Firefox Nightly to stick to Ubuntu’s Unity Dock

Is Nightly available as a .deb/.rpm?

Mozilla does not provide packages (.deb/.rpm) for Linux, our tar.bz2 binaries work on all distributions which meet Firefox system requirements.

Is there a Nightly repository for my distro?

Mozilla does not maintain repositories for distributions, some volunteers maintain their own repository or ppa but usually those are not maintained over time for Nightly.

The advised installation method is to use Mozilla-provided builds and its software updater.

You can use 'The Unofficial Nightly installer package for Debian' based distros:

If you really can't live without updates being provided through a repository, the Ubuntu Team sometimes maintains this ppa:

Is there a FlatPak/Snap package
Update firefox ubuntu

We are providing Snap binaries of Firefox and will probably propose also them for Nightly at some point. The tracking bug is Automate generation of Firefox snap packages.

We support FlatPack for Beta builds (since Firefox 75) but not for Nightly builds yet.

There is an unofficial Firefox Flatpak repository created by the Fedora/RedHat maintainers for testing purposes: this FlatPak repository, your profile is stored in $HOME/.var/app/org.mozilla.FirefoxNightlyWayland/.mozilla

If you are on Ubuntu, here is a detailed article on how to install it here: How to Install Firefox Nightly as a Flatpak App on Ubuntu

Promoting Nightly in your community

If Open Source guerrilla community marketing is something you would like to get involved with and Nightly works great for you, maybe you could promote it to other power-users in your personal or professional networks, getting more users across the globe would help us catch more regressions, get more technical feedback and would allow us to ship a better browser.

There are many ways you can get help at the local level or online.

Some of them are very easy, such as retweeting interesting tweets from our @FirefoxNightly or sharing them on other social networks, some represent more work such as participating to a local open source convention and presenting Nightly or organizing QA activities through Nightly via your local Mozilla community or Mozilla Club.

If you want to present Nightly at an event, please read this blog report: Fosdem 2017 Nightly slides and video

The slides in this presentation are online and can be used as a basis for your own presentation.

Install Firefox Developer Ubuntu

You can also work through the Activate Mozilla program to organize events in the framework provided by the Mozilla Participation team.

We are progressively setting up regional teams and Firefox Nightly Champions so as to have a per country or per language action which is often useful to solve issues such as language, timezones and regional specific sites. If you want to organize something online or offline related to Nightly, please contact Pascal Chevrel or Marcia Knous

If you want to join an existing regional or language focused team, you can contact the following champions:

Regional Teams and their Nightly Champions

Francophone team

  • Team leader: Pascal Chevrel

Italian team

Spanish-speaking team

Switzerland team

Indian team

  • Viswaprasath (English)
  • Dinesh Mv (English/ Telugu)
  • Prasanth P (English/Tamil)
  • Madhuri Mittal (English/ hindi)
  • Ram Dayal Vaishnav (English/ hindi)

Brazilian team

Firefox Developer Edition Ubuntu Ppa

Czech team

Update Firefox Ubuntu

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