I switched from 1Password password manager to Bitwarden about year ago. Simply because Bitwarden is free while the cost of 1Password was 72 dollars per year (Family version).

A global hotkey in the Bitwarden Desktop app that performs Autotype for an entry that is currently selected is fine for the beginning. This would help a lot until the window title is fully supported. KeePass uses the window title (what is not very secure). I think 1Password uses the process name (the name of the EXE file). Bitwarden makes your passwords available for auto-fill so that you can seamlessly log in to websites and apps while also maintaining strong and secure passwords. Auto-fill cuts the copying and pasting out of your login routine by detecting Vault items that match the service you’re logging in to.
Bitwarden Autofill Pc
Recently browser autofill shortcut stopped working. Today I figured out how to get it work again.
On Chrome open chrome://extensions/shortcuts
on your browser and fill the shortcut yourself.
If you use Edge browser then open edge://extensions/shortcuts
and fill the shortcut yourself.
If you use Firefox then go to about:addons
→ Extensions → from the settings icon you can get to manage extension shortcuts.
Bitwarden Ios Autofill
It is very convenient to autofill logins with ctrl + shift + L
. If you have multiple accounts on some webservices (for example you have several Twitter accounts) then you can rotate between these by repeating the shortcut.