3D Mouse Home

The following table presents the full list of keyboard shortcuts and mouse actions that you can use in Sweet Home 3D (also available in a PDF file in English or in French). Action Menu item. New Story and Icon's first 3D-printed home model. New Story/BANDD Designs Last March, the 3D printing company Icon produced a 350-square-foot tiny home that cost $10,000 and took just 48 hours.

1. Best Overall – 3DConnexion SpaceMouse Pro

Editor’s Rating: 4.9/5

Having to navigate the 3D space around a model with a mouse designed for 2D environments is one of the main roadblocks to optimizing your workflow. The SpaceMouse Pro shatters this limitation by introducing a sensor with six degrees of movement that makes working with objects feel much more natural. Couple that with a handy assortment of fifteen keys, and you’ve got a professional 3D modeling tool that’s worth every penny.

3DConnexion offers a whole range of SpaceMouse products. Get the SpaceMouse Enterprise if you need more customizable keys or the SpaceMouse for a barebones version that still uses the excellent navigator.

Overview of Features

The SpaceMouse Pro abandons everything you know about mouse design in lieu of an experience centered exclusively on working in three-dimensional space. It’s static and designed with superb ergonomics that fit your hand perfectly regardless of dominance. It’s made from high-quality materials, has fifteen keys that are easy to reach, and a sci-fi-looking blue LED around the navigator for extra flair.

The navigator is what makes the SpaceMouse Pro so extraordinary. It’s a pick-shaped device you can move like an ordinary mouse, but you may also rotate it or pull it up and down for an uninterrupted 3D navigation experience. This lets you spin around objects, pan, and zoom without the clunkiness and restrictions a regular 2D mouse imposes.

3D Mouse Home

The SpaceMouse Pro features a selection of the most frequently used keys regardless of your 3D software of choice. Control, Alt, Shift, and Escape are to the left with a button underneath for menu binding. Five buttons to the navigator’s right allow for quick shifts to the front, right, or top views. The central button in this area locks in the view so that moving the navigator only pans and rotates it. A convenient Fill button centers the view on the currently selected object if you ever lose sight of it. Finally, four custom function buttons let you customize the SpaceMouse Pro even further.

The device comes with the 3DConnexion Control Panel, a configuration utility that lets you remap the keys. Using it is straightforward, and you can change each key’s function to suit your needs.

What We Didn’t Like

The SpaceMouse Pro is a specialty tool and much more expensive than ordinary mice. Plus, it’s awkward to work with it in non-3D applications, so you’ll need to have a regular mouse alongside it. The navigator is very sensitive and responds to the slightest nudge. This might be bothersome as brushing up against it accidentally can move the view.

Manipulating 3D Scene

3d Mouse Home

SAP Visual Enterprise Viewer allows you to manipulate the 3D scene displayed in the viewport by doing the following:

3d Cad Mouse

  • Rotate

    To rotate the camera in a plane parallel to the plane of the viewport and about the center of the viewport, depress the SHIFT key and the left mouse button. To rotate the camera clockwise, drag the cursor to the left; and to rotate counterclockwise, drag the cursor to the right.

    To rotate the camera in a vertical plane perpendicular to the plane of the viewport and about an axis through the center of the viewport, depress the left mouse button. To rotate the camera up, drag the cursor up and to rotate the camera down, drag the cursor down.

    To rotate the camera in a horizontal plane perpendicular to the plane of the viewport and about an axis through the center of the viewport, depress the left mouse button. To rotate the camera to the right of the viewport, drag the cursor to the right; and to rotate it to the left, drag the cursor to the left.

    By dragging the cursor horizontally and vertically at the same time, the camera will be rotated in a plane perpendicular to the plane of the viewport and oriented along the direction of motion of the cursor. This is effectively a combination of the above two rotations.

    You can obtain different rotation results by means of panning, scaling, and zooming. This way you can view the scene from all possible positions and at different levels of detail to obtain the display you require.

  • Auto rotate

    To continuously rotate the model, perform a rotation; click the right mouse button in the viewport; choose the Display entry in the context menu; choose the Auto Rotate entry in the additional context menu. SAP Visual Enterprise Viewer will continue to perform that rotation until you click the left or right mouse button in the viewport. Auto rotation will continue to occur for each rotation until you deselect the Auto Rotate entry in the context menu.

  • Turn

    To rotate the camera only about a horizontal or vertical axis, choose the Turn entry in the top most drop-down on the right hand toolbar; depress the left mouse button; drag the cursor horizontally or vertically; release the mouse button.

  • Pan

    To pan the scene, do one of the following:

    • Depress the left and right mouse buttons and drag the scene in any direction and release the mouse buttons.

    • Choose the Pan entry in the top most drop-down on the right hand toolbar; depress the left mouse button; drag the scene in any direction; release the mouse button.

  • Zoom

    To zoom the scene, position the cursor at the point about which to zoom; depress the right mouse button and drag the cursor vertically (up to zoom in and down to zoom out).

  • Walkthrough the scene and look around

  • Switch to the Home view

    To switch to the Home view, choose the Home icon on the right-side toolbar. The Home view is the view defined as the starting view in the model.

  • Switch to the Best Fit view

    To switch to the Best Fit view, choose the Best Fit icon on the right side toolbar. If it is not visible, the drop-down control on the Zoom Window icon).

  • Center and zoom specified area

    To center and zoom a specified area, choose the Zoom Window icon on the right side toolbar; position the cursor at a corner of the area to be zoomed; depress the left mouse button and drag the cursor to the opposite corner of the area to be zoomed; release the mouse button. If the Zoom Window icon is not displayed, select the drop-down control on the Best Fit icon. If the Zoom Window icon is already displayed, selecting it will toggle it on or off.

  • Center and zoom an already selected object

    To center and zoom the already selected object, position the cursor in an empty area in the image; click the right mouse button; use the left mouse button to select the Zoom to Active Object entry in the context menu.

  • Center and zoom all visible objects

    To center and zoom all visible objects (best fit on visible objects), position the cursor in an empty area in the image; click the right mouse button; use the left mouse button to choose the Zoom Visible entry in the context menu. Download dtv input devices driver.

  • Center and zoom all objects

    To center and zoom all objects (best fit on all objects), position the cursor in an empty area in the image; click the right mouse button; use the left mouse button to choose the Zoom All entry in the context menu.

  • Center and zoom an object

    To center and zoom an object, double-click on the object in the viewport or double-click on the object in the 3D Objects List.

  • Other

    SAP Visual Enterprise Viewer provides many additional capabilities for manipulating the 3D scene. Most of these capabilities are not directly applicable to the use of SAP Visual Enterprise Viewer in VTR. For more information about these capabilities, see Working with the Viewer at http://help.sap.com/SAP Product Lifecycle ManagementSAP PLM as Part of SAP ERP Central ComponentSAP PLM as Part of SAP Enhancement Package 6 for SAP ERPApplication HelpWeb User Interface of SAP Product Lifecycle Management (PLM-WUI)Tools on the PLM Web UIViewer.